Dear Book,
My life still needs me. You see, I have two great children. Boys, actually, two boys, and they are 5 and 3 years old. They need my attention. I am homeschooling them, so I must take time to educate them properly. Don't think I say this begrudgingly - quite the contrary, I love schooling my kiddos, and I am so thankful to be learning alongside them. We also have a dog. Now, I am blessed with the most mellow dog on the planet. He just lays around all day long. Yet, he still needs food, water, walking, and petting. All of us are currently housed in a two bedroom apartment. Although that is changing soon, the housework will be increasing with the size of the home. I must keep up with the laundry, and the dishes.
My dear friend Book, I have also decided to embark on a journey toward physical health. I am now requring myself to MAKE time each day for exercise, and I am planning my meals in advance so that I eat more healthfully. So, while I would like to be confined to your pages, for hours upon endless hours, I cannot cave into this temptation. You must please bare with me and keep in mind that my family had me first, and my home did too. You are just supposed to be squeezed in as I can fit you.
With that being said, please know that I am doing something completely out of the ordinary for myself. I am now getting up between 4 and 5 AM to dedicate some time to you. Please feel honored by this, and please take what you can get without begging me for more. I am not, however, asking for all ideas to stop flowing. Rather, I want you to continue to inspire me, I want to have those random thoughts that turn into written magic. I want to continue to experience the ups and downs that come with writing you.
I have written this all in love, my dear friend Book. You have been a great addition to my life, and I plan on keeping you around until you are completed. I hope to see you published and sitting upon my shelf someday in the near future. I want you to sit there, on the shelf, as my first work of written art, and while you sit there, I hope you inspire me to greatness. Okay, well, that last part is a bit blown out of proportion. I hope and pray that God fills me with inspiration and that He helps me achieve greatness...through you, and many more literary masterpieces. Is it to soon to consider you a masterpiece? Certainly no! I have children, and each piece is a masterpiece...and each masterpiece is better than the last!
Your Loving Author
Well said, author! I think you will be greatly blessed in this endeavor. It is very hard to change your body clock.... but well worth it..... I am enjoying every minute of my early rising to spend time with God, for my spiritual and my physical health. Although it is tough when that alarms rings to do it cheerfully every day.... hopefully soon it will be "normal"