It's February 1st, and we are snowed in! Now, we didn't get a white Christmas (and we were even in Colorado!), and we spent two days at the park (Jan. 28th & 29th) because it was in the 70's outside, but today we are snowed in! It's beautiful outside - I think I may put on my boots and coat and go take pictures! I just can't even believe this weather.
Instead of sitting around being bored, I think we might make some snow ice cream, and we are going to study more about Earth, and the weather! Honestly, if I had my way, I would hide under my covers, in my room, and write. But my two small boys, and my large one, would probably not like that! LOL
The large one decided we had to have corned beef hash for breakfast (after I mentioned it, of course), so he walked to the local store. It is now noon, and I would be starving, but I went ahead and got me a snack. So, I'm not terribly crabby, and he can just make us a tasty lunch.
We are letting the boys play the Wii for a little while - they are enjoying it. We have the JumpStart Pet Rescue game, and the boys thoroughly enjoy it.
Well, my large boy should be home soon, so I better get off of here and help with dishes and laundry and all of those home-care tasks!
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