I posted previously about tithing, and I want to post again to tell you, GOD IS FAITHFUL!
I've been home from the hospital for just over a month, and everything is just about straightened out. All of our normal bills are caught back up, and we are just about lined up in good order with all of the doctors and other medical bills! PRAISE GOD!
God gets the glory and honor for this - because it is His doing that things have gone so smoothly. I look back and wonder why I had so many doubts, but I had them. They even were fear sometimes. I am thankful for what God has done in my life, and I look forward to what else He is doing.
God made sure everything worked out - and He definitely did it in His timing. He was busy teaching me trust, and patience, while He was orchestrating things I couldn't see. I am still very burdened to work hard toward becoming debt free, and that is definitely one of my goals for this year. I think I will write out the whole plan this week and we will begin the uphill climb out from under the heavy weight of debt! I am very excited and ready for this!
God is faithful in EVERY aspect of our lives! Tithing does work- God blesses cheerful givers. Does that mean winning the lottery- No I don't think so. It means when you are faithful to God He is faithful to you. Whether it is tithing, service, teaching, prayer..... etc. God has come thru and surprised me in more ways than I can count. I am blessed to read in your blog that you are experiencing God's faithfulness!