Monday, February 22, 2010


Forgiveness has got to be the hardest thing to give anyway. God's been softening my heart and really showing me how bad I really am at it. I thought I ranked moderately high on the forgiveness scale, until recently. As much of a struggle as it's been, I've made it entirely my own struggle. Somehow I decided that I had to the do the forgiving alone, to sort of earn my own forgiveness. Odd, seeing that I truly believe I am saved by grace through faith. I've been living outside of the love of God, and defintiely outside of the power of God. As I yield my heart to Him, I'm seeing miraculous miracles in my innermost being. I've stopped praying for change, and starting praying for transformation. I am so grateful for all that God is, and all that He does. As I am opening my life to His grace, it flows through me, giving me a clarity that I didn't have before, and a strength that is not my own. As I forgive, I'm finding myself with less to say, and more peace to hold my tongue. I'm willing to let other people interact with me more personally, and I'm slowly watching as God pushes the grip of fear out of my heart.

I just read "The Shack" by WM Young and all I can say is WOW. It challenged my view of God, and opened my eyes to things I hadn't considered. Now, I know the Bible is truth and our guide and that we should rely on the Word to shape our beliefs and our faith. I just think this book offered a beautiful perspective of the Trinity and is worth the time spent reading it! :)

Well, I'll probably write more on forgiveness, as I define what forgiveness means, and as God stretches me in this area. I'm so thankful for the hand of God on my life....

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