Sunday, January 17, 2010

What is the soil?!?

Good Evening! I am having a very bad weekend. It started getting rough when I attempted to patch up my marriage and was told to just go finalize the divorce on Wednesday. Then, I spiraled down from there, making some bad choices. Certainly making less than Christ-like decisions. So, I let a wound that Christ could have healed dictate my actions. I made the wrong choices. I wasn't shining my light. And I'm beating myself up more than ever. I am feeling like I've failed, over and over again. It's like I've been catapulted into a whirl of perpetual failure. I failed as a wife, I failed as a Christian, what's next? And how, after spending time reading and trying to keep up with the 90 day plan to read the New Testament, do I just forget about the comfort of Christ?! I know better, yet I was still enticed into worldly things to "ease" my heartache. Guess what? Those things made it worse. Then, I was at church tonight, and I listened to Pastor Clark describe validation. I have been so needy for validation in my life. I feel like a complete failure. I am not sure how to deal with all the big red "FAIL" stamps on the pages that are my story. I wanted my life to look so much different than it's looking. I certainly never thought I'd be a single mom. As I have been thinking about this, I started thinking about the verses in Matthew that talk about the soil. I must be weed-y, or shallow soil. I have these profound, life changing thoughts and realizations when I'm reading the Word and at church. And it takes hold for a short time, yet it doesn't stick. It fades. I fall back into my own routine. All of that thinking, caused me to start thinking about a garden. You can build a garden, just about anywhere. You have to have the right tools, and it takes work. Sometimes a lot of work. So, if the Word is the seed that grows...WHAT IS THE SOIL?! I want to build my garden, I want to stake out a plot of ground, I want to put the timbers around it, I want to buy the really nice weed cloth, lay it own, and pour the richest soil on it you can imagine. I then want to put seeds in it, I want to make sure to keep up with fertilizing, watering, and when a weed pops up, I want to get rid of it quickly. Roots and all. But what is the soil?? How do I change the soil of my heart so that when I hear the Word, I apply it, and when I apply it, I continue to apply it, and it changes my life. I want the seed to have a great place to grow. I can imagine the tools for weeding are prayer, and maybe fasting. I imagine the watering can is probably prayer, as well. I'm sure that tithing is a tool, possibly fertilizer? And church, volunteering, worship @ church, small group, are all integral tools. But for all the tools, I cannot figure out what the soil is.....

1 comment:

  1. I would think the soil would probably be a combination of few things all working together. Such as when we accept Christ as our savior that transforms our spirit into really good usable compost=(desire for God), and then through our actions and influences we either stir=(repenting heart) the compost, or don't stir it=(disregarding sin). By stirring=(repenting) the compost remains fresh and usable. Then we add in dirt=(faith) if we place a seed straight into compost it can grow really fast when it's cool out, but as soon as it's a really hot day, it withers quickly. Also if we put a seed in just dirt it can grow, it can even grow strong. Sometime the dirt itself doesn't have what the seed needs to grow every time. However if we take the compost stir in the dirt we would get soil. (Desire for God, repenting heart, and then add faith=soil) then we would just become great soil, soil does not plant or harvest. It is simply a growing place. I think if we can combine these and live desiring God, live repenting, and having faith in God, He will grow our seeds, I think He will grow seeds in us we don't even know are seeds. I do think we still need to water=(seeking God)=((Word and Prayer)) the soil. Any way, that’s my opinion. Thank you for taking the time to read it. Hope it's helpful :)
